Helping Change Futures
The Tattoo Removal Program Has Been in Existence for 16 Years Serving Thousands of Participants and is in desperate need of a new laser machine. The mission of the program is to provide tattoo removal to people who have proven they are transitioning out of the gang life style
The program is also helping the domestic violence victims with healing from the abuse suffered as many perpertrators force their victims to tattoo their names on them to mark the victim as property.

This much needed program serves San Mateo County residents. many are on probation, parole, or in treatment.
Besides providing innumerable new-found freedoms, the Tattoo Removal Program was also designed to give each former gang member the opportunity to give back to society. Each participant completes community service hours to participate in the program and to date they have performed thousands of hours of public work for the community.
Requirements to be eligible for participating in the program include being at least 10 years old, attending school and/or work, performing 20-plus hours of community service, being willing to meet regularly with a program sponsor and commitment to live a gang-free lifestyle.
The program has assisted hundreds of individuals in removing regrettable tattoos that they either acquired as a youth, in prison, or after succumbing to the gang lifestyle.
Who is Involved?
This program is a collaboration between the Redwood City Police Department, San Mateo County Probation Department, San Mateo County Shreiff's Office S.A.L. and the Redwood City P.A.L.
Since the inception of the program;
- 2200 participants with over 44,000 tratments.
- Doctors and nurses have volunteered over 2,000 hours.
- Clients have provided over 20,000 community service hours.
- Clients have participated in hundreds of community outreach programs
- Clients range from 10 years old to 50 years old.
How Can You Help?
We are looking to raise $125,000 to continue this life changing program.
The current laser machine which wa donated to the program is no longer operational, so the need for a new laser machine is urgent. The proposed new laser is a Cynosure ConBio C6 with an extended warranty. This unit has three Q-switched wavelengths that make it possible to treat all types of tattoo colors.Direct gifts of cash to the Tattoo removal Program are fully tax deductable.
Pledges to the Tattoo Removal Program may be made over a period of three years. A signed pledge card or letter of intent is required. Tax deductions are earned only on amounts paid on the pledge in the year the payment was made.
Marketable or closely held securities may be given to the Tattoo Removal Program. As a direct gift, it is always to the donor's advantage to make a gift of appreciated securities in avoidance of capital gains tax.
For more information on the Program or to make a donation please call;
Manuel Velarde 650-780-7195
John Domeniconi 650-363-4232
Carrie Cross 650-877-7028
Your contribution is fully tax deductable, Tax ID#94-3229506